Server Configuration: MPM Development Server

This documentation outlines how the Linode “Webster” server was built.

Initial Setup

We are using a Linode 4 GB with an Ubuntu 20.04 disk instance deployed from Marketplace. Be sure to add an SSH key, and then log in as root user.


Before we continue, we need to check for any updates.

apt update
apt full-upgrade

Setting Hostname and Timezone

We’ll start by defining the name of our host.

echo "mpmdev" > /etc/hostname
hostname -F /etc/hostname
vim /etc/hosts

In that file, add the following lines below the first line, substituting the actual IPv4 and IPv6 of the Linode in place of the NNN.NNN values:


Save and quit.

Now we set the timezone.

dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

Use the arrow and ENTER keys to set your timezone. We’ll be using US/Central.

Reboot the system.

SOURCE: Getting Started with Linode (Linode)

Defining a Non-Root User

Next, we’ll use the root account to set up the regular user account.

adduser mpm

Define the password for the new user, and other information if desired. Then, we add the user to the sudo group.

usermod -aG sudo mpm
groups mpm

The second command will list all of the groups mpm is in. Ensure it includes the sudo group.



For security reasons, the SSH port we changed to has been scrubbed to 123.

The necessary packages for SSH were installed on installation. We need to change a few settings and start the service.

# Make a backup of the default SSH configuration.
sudo cp /etc/ssh/sshd_config{,.bak}

# Edit the SSH configuration.
sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Change Port 22 to Port 123 and PermitRootLogin yes to PermitRootLogin no. Also add the line DebianBanner no (you can put it under “PermitRootLogin”). The rest of the default settings should be fine for now. Save and close the file.

Now we’ll restart the service.

# Restart the SSH service.
sudo systemctl restart ssh

On the remote machine (the computer you’re connecting from), run the following command, where NNN.NNN.NNN.NNN is the IP address of the Linode you’re connecting to.

ssh-copy-id mpm@NNN.NNN.NNN.NNN -p 123

You can now connect to the non-root user account on the server via SSH.

SOURCE: How to Use SSH To Connect To A Remote Server (Digital Ocean)

Set Up Longview

It will be beneficial for us to use the free plan for Longview, a service provided through Linode. Let’s install that now.

On the Linode Cloud Manager web interface, go to Longview and add a new client. After a moment, a box will pop up with a command to run in the server terminal.

It will take a few minutes for Longview to start working, so just close the window on the Linode Manager.

Setup LAMP


We’ll start by setting up Apache2.

sudo apt install apache2
sudo vim /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

Next, we’ll edit the configuration file to turn off KeepAlive, as that uses up extra memory (and we don’t have that much to spare). We’ll also set the ServerName (you may need to add this entry).

KeepAlive Off

Scroll down to the section with all the directories, and add this entry. (Be mindful to use tabs, not spaces, to be consistent with the rest of the file.)

<DirectoryMatch /\.git/>
    Options FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
    Require all denied

Save and close.

Next, we’ll change the settings for the mpm_prefork module.

sudo vim /etc/apache2/mods-available/mpm_prefork.conf

Set the file to the following…

<IfModule mpm_prefork_module>
        StartServers            2
        MinSpareServers         5
        MaxSpareServers         10
        MaxRequestWorkers       39
        MaxConnectionsPerChild  3000

Save and close. Now we’ll enable the prefork module and restart Apache2.

sudo a2dismod mpm_event
sudo a2enmod mpm_prefork
sudo systemctl restart apache2

Next, we will add our user to the www-data group, which will be helpful for permissions.

sudo usermod -aG www-data mpm

Browse to the web server using the IP or whatever address is most convenient, and ensure the Apache2 default page is appearing.


Now we will set up our database software.

sudo apt install mysql-server
sudo mysql_secure_installation

Validate Password is optional; you should specify the root password and answer Y to the following:

  • Remove anonymous users?

  • Disallow root login remotely?

  • Remove test database and access to it?

  • Reload privilege tables now?


We’ll be using PHP 7.4, which is the default in Ubuntu 20.04, for this server.

sudo apt install php7.4 libapache2-mod-php7.4 php7.4-cli php7.4-common php7.4-curl php7.4-dev php7.4-gd php7.4-json php7.4-mbstring php7.4-mysql php7.4-opcache php7.4-readline php7.4-xml
sudo vim /etc/php/7.4/apache2/php.ini

Edit the contents of that file so the following lines match the given values:

max_input_time = 30
error_log = /var/log/php/error.log

Create the log directory for PHP, and give ownership to the Apache2 system user. Finally, restart Apache2 to start using the changes.

sudo mkdir /var/log/php
sudo chown www-data /var/log/php
sudo systemctl restart apache2

SOURCE: Install LAMP on Ubuntu 16.04 (Linode)


We need to save a number of scripts for regular use.

sudo mkdir -p /opt/scripts/sys
sudo mkdir -p /opt/scripts/root
sudo chown root:root /opt/scripts/root
sudo chmod 700 /opt/scripts/root

Now we add the system scripts to the path for the main user.

vim ~/.bashrc

Add the following to that file:


Save and close. Log in as root and repeat, only with the following instead:


Save and close that too. You can immediately update the path for your current login session with source ~/.bashrc.

Let’s Encrypt Certbot

We need to install the Let’s Encrypt Certbot for generating certificates.

sudo snap install core; sudo snap refresh core
sudo snap install --classic certbot
sudo ln -s /snap/bin/certbot /usr/bin/certbot
sudo certbot register

Follow the instructions to register with Let’s Encrypt.

We’ll actually generate certificates in a later step.

SOURCE: Certbot (Certbot)

Scheduling Auto-Renewal

Now we need to schedule the autorenewal task.

sudo crontab -e

Add the following line to the end:

41 5 * * * /usr/bin/certbot renew

This will run the renewal script once a day at 5:41am. (Let’s Encrypt asks that a random time be used by each user, to spread out server load.)

Server Hardening

Let’s improve our system security before continuing.

SSH Security

We need to lock down SSH for further security.

sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Edit the file so the following lines have the given settings:

PermitRootLogin no
PasswordAuthentication no
AuthorizedKeysFile      .ssh/authorized_keys

Save and close the file, and then run…

sudo systemctl restart sshd

Firewall Settings

Now we need to open the firewall to allow SSH and HTML to pass through, and enable it. Be sure to change 123 to your SSL port from previously.

sudo ufw allow 123
sudo ufw allow 80
sudo ufw allow 443
sudo ufw enable

Secure Shared Memory

sudo vim /etc/fstab

At the bottom of the file, add the lines:

# Secure shared memory
tmpfs /run/shm tmpfs defaults,noexec,nosuid 0 0

Save and close the file. The changes will take effect on next reboot.

Lock Down sudo Privilege

We’ll limit sudo privileges to only users in the admin group.

sudo groupadd admin
sudo usermod -a -G admin <YOUR ADMIN USERNAME>
sudo dpkg-statoverride --update --add root admin 4750 /bin/su

Harden Network with sysctl Settings

sudo vi /etc/sysctl.conf

Edit the file, uncommenting or adding the following lines:

# IP Spoofing protection
net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter = 1
net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 1

# Ignore ICMP broadcast requests
net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts = 1

# Disable source packet routing
net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_source_route = 0
net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_source_route = 0
net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route = 0
net.ipv6.conf.default.accept_source_route = 0

# Ignore send redirects
net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects = 0
net.ipv4.conf.default.send_redirects = 0

# Block SYN attacks
net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 2048
net.ipv4.tcp_synack_retries = 2
net.ipv4.tcp_syn_retries = 5

# Log Martians
net.ipv4.conf.all.log_martians = 1
net.ipv4.icmp_ignore_bogus_error_responses = 1

# Ignore ICMP redirects
net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_redirects = 0
net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_redirects = 0
net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_redirects = 0
net.ipv6.conf.default.accept_redirects = 0

# Ignore Directed pings
net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_all = 1

Finally, reload sysctl. If there are any errors, fix the associated lines.

sudo sysctl -p

Harden PHP

sudo vim /etc/php/7.4/apache2/php.ini

Add or edit the following lines and save:

disable_functions = exec,system,shell_exec,passthru
register_globals = Off
expose_php = Off
display_errors = Off
track_errors = Off
html_errors = Off
magic_quotes_gpc = Off
mail.add_x_header = Off = NEWSESSID

Restart the Apache2 server and make sure it still works.

sudo systemctl restart apache2

Harden Apache2

Edit the Apache2 security configuration file…

sudo vim /etc/apache2/conf-available/security.conf

Change or add the following lines:

ServerTokens Prod
ServerSignature Off
TraceEnable Off
FileETag None

Restart the Apache2 server and make sure it still works.

sudo systemctl restart apache2

Setup ModSecurity

First, install the necessary dependencies. We’ll also need to create a symbolic link to work around a bug on 64-bit systems. Finally, we’ll install the package itself.

sudo apt install libxml2 libxml2-dev libxml2-utils libaprutil1 libaprutil1-dev
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/
sudo apt install libapache2-mod-security2

Now we’ll copy the default configuration.

sudo mv /etc/modsecurity/modsecurity.conf-recommended /etc/modsecurity/modsecurity.conf

Now we download the latest OWASP security rules.

cd /etc/modsecurity
sudo wget
sudo tar -xvf v3.3.0.tar.gz
sudo mv coreruleset-3.3.0 owasp-modsecurity-crs
cd owasp-modsecurity-crs
sudo mv crs-setup.conf.example crs-setup.conf
cd rules

You may need to edit /etc/modsecurity/owasp-modsecurity-crs/crs-setup.conf to match your server’s situation. For example, we enabled Project Honeypot.

Edit the configuration for the ModSecurity Apache module…

sudo vim /etc/apache2/mods-available/security2.conf

Change the IncludeOptional entries to match the following:

IncludeOptional /etc/modsecurity/*.conf
IncludeOptional /etc/modsecurity/owasp-modsecurity-crs/crs-setup.conf

IncludeOptional /etc/modsecurity/owasp-modsecurity-crs/plugins/*-before.conf
IncludeOptional /etc/modsecurity/owasp-modsecurity-crs/rules/*.conf
IncludeOptional /etc/modsecurity/owasp-modsecurity-crs/plugins/*-after.conf

Enable the modules and restart Apache2, ensuring that it still works.

sudo a2enmod headers
sudo a2enmod security2
sudo systemctl restart apache2

Finally, to make sure it works, go to http://<serveraddress>/?param="><script>alert(1);</script>. Check /var/log/apache2/error.log for an error report from mod_security. If one is there, the configuration worked!

Setup Fail2Ban

Fail2Ban locks out IP addresses that repeatedly attempt invalid or malicious actions.

sudo apt install fail2ban
sudo cp /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf /etc/fail2ban/jail.local
sudo vim /etc/fail2ban/jail.local

To turn on various “jails”, scroll down to the # JAILS section. Place enabled = true under each jail name you want turned on. This is the list of jails we enabled for this server:

  • sshd

  • sshd-ddos

  • apache-auth

  • apache-badbots

  • apache-noscript

  • apache-overflows

  • apache-nohome

  • apache-botsearch

  • apache-fakegooglebot

  • apache-modsecurity

  • apache-shellshock

  • php-url-fopen

  • recidive

  • phpmyadmin-syslog

I also added sshd-ddos by including this entry:

mode = ddos
enabled = true
port = ssh
logpath = %(sshd_log)s
filter = sshd

Be sure you look through the jails and enable any additional jails that will be appropriate to your server’s configuration and applications.

For the [recidive] jail to work correctly, a couple of settings need to be changed in Fail2Ban’s configuration:

sudo cp /etc/fail2ban/fail2ban.conf /etc/fail2ban/fail2ban.local
sudo vim /etc/fail2ban/fail2ban.local

Change the following values:

# NEVER SET TO DEBUG!!! [recidive] jail is enabled
loglevel = INFO

dbpurgeage = 648000

Save and close. Run the following command to ensure there are no errors:

sudo fail2ban-client -x start

Finally, restart the fail2ban process.

sudo systemctl restart fail2ban

Setup PSAD

sudo apt install psad
sudo iptables -A INPUT -j LOG
sudo iptables -A FORWARD -j LOG
sudo ip6tables -A INPUT -j LOG
sudo ip6tables -A FORWARD -j LOG
sudo vim /etc/psad/psad.conf

Change the following values:

EMAIL_ADDRESS mpm@localhost;
HOSTNAME mpmdev;

Save and close, and then reload like this:

sudo psad -R
sudo psad --sig-update
sudo psad -H
sudo psad --Status

When you run that last command, it may whine about not finding a pidfile. It appears we can ignore that error.

We also need to tweak Fail2Ban so that it doesn’t start up before psad does. Otherwise, psad won’t be able to log correctly.

sudo vim /lib/systemd/system/fail2ban.service

In that file, add ufw.service and psad.service to the After= directive, so it looks something like this: iptables.service firewalld.service ufw.service psad.service

Save and close, and then reload the daemons for systemctl and restart fail2ban.

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart fail2ban

Now we need to adjust the UFW settings.

sudo ufw logging high
sudo vim /etc/ufw/before.rules

Add the following lines before the final commit message:


Save and close. Repeat this with before6.rules. Then, restart ufw and reload PSAD.

SOURCE: PSAD Is Giving a Firewall Setup Warning (Ubuntu Forums)

sudo systemctl restart ufw
sudo psad --fw-analyze

Restart the computer, and ensure PSAD isn’t sending any system emails complaining about the firewall configuration. (Check system email by running $ mail).

Rootkit Checks

We use two different rootkit checkers.

sudo apt install rkhunter chkrootkit
sudo vim /opt/scripts/root/rootkitscan

Set the contents of that file to the following:

rkhunter --update
rkhunter --propupd
rkhunter --check --cronjob -l
echo "Rootkit Check Done!"


These are a few other useful programs.

sudo apt install nmap logwatch libdate-manip-perl apparmor apparmor-profiles tiger clamav

# Ensure apparmor is working.
sudo apparmor_status

To use logwatch, run…

sudo logwatch | less

To scan for vulnerabilites with Tiger, run…

sudo tiger
sudo less /var/log/tiger/*

Adding Sites

For each site, we need to configure Apache2 and get an SSL certificate.

First, we need to enable the SSL module for Apache2. This usually only needs to be done the first time.

sudo a2enmod ssl
sudo systemctl restart apache2

We start by generating a certificate for the domain being added. In this case, I’m creating one certificate for two domains. Ordinarily, you’d only create for one domain.

The 000-default Apache site is what we’ll use for initially generating on a domain name. After generating the cert, we disable that site again so the other sites will work.

sudo a2ensite 000-default
sudo systemctl reload apache2
sudo certbot certonly --apache -d,

In the output for the certbot command, take note of the paths where the certificate and chain were saved. You’ll need that in the next step.

sudo vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/phab.conf

Set the contents of that file to the following, substituting the domain name in place for ServerName, and fixing the paths for the SSLCertificateFile and SSLCertificateKeyFile. Also set the DocumentRoot to the desired directory.

<IfModule mod_ssl.c>
    <VirtualHost *:443>

        DocumentRoot /opt/phab

        ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
        CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

        SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
        SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
        Include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-apache.conf
        Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000"
        Header always set Content-Security-Policy upgrade-insecure-requests

        <FilesMatch "\.(cgi|shtml|phtml|php)$">
            SSLOptions +StdEnvVars
        <Directory /usr/lib/cgi-bin>
            SSLOptions +StdEnvVars

        BrowserMatch "MSIE [2-6]" \
            nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown \
            downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0
        # MSIE 7 and newer should be able to use keepalive
        BrowserMatch "MSIE [17-9]" ssl-unclean-shutdown

Save and close. Now we’ll create the directory we specified in DocumentRoot.

cd /opt
sudo mkdir phab
sudo chown www-data:www-data phab
sudo chmod 775 phab

We need to tell Apache2 to read this directory.

sudo vim /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

Scroll down to the section with all the directories, and add these entries:

<Directory /opt/phab/>
    Options FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride All
    Require all granted

Save and close.

Consider creating an index.html in that folder, with the text “Hello, world!”, just to make sure the site works.

Now we disable the default site, enable the new site, and restart Apache2.

sudo a2dissite 000-default
sudo a2ensite phab
sudo systemctl restart apache2

Ensure the new domain works over http.

Port Forward 80 to 443

With that set up, we want to redirect port 80 to port 443.

sudo vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-redirect.conf

Set the contents of that file to…

<VirtualHost *:80>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
    RewriteRule ^ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}

Save and close. Load the site, make sure mod_rewrite is enabled, and then restart Apache2.

sudo a2ensite 000-redirect
sudo a2enmod rewrite
sudo systemctl restart apache2

Navigating to http://<serveraddress> should now redirect properly to Navigate to https://<serveraddress>. The same will apply for any subdirectory thereof, such as http://<serveraddress>/docs.


Apache2 sites are loaded in alphabetical order. Addresses and ports are first come, first served, so the first site that defines on a port gets all addresses on that port, unless something else snatches away a specific address.

Server Controls


sudo apt install phpmyadmin

On the configuration dialog, select apache2 by selecting it and tapping Space. Enter an application password (different from the MySQL root password) and confirm it.

Edit the configuration for PHP, to force HTTPS.

sudo vim /etc/phpmyadmin/

Add the following line to the bottom of that file.

$cfg['ForceSSL'] = true;

Save and close.

Now enable one necessary PHP module and restart Apache2.

sudo phpenmod mbstring
sudo systemctl restart apache2

Validate that you can access https://<serveraddress>/phpmyadmin. Log in there with the username phpmyadmin and the password you defined.


You may need to disable the Apache2 module security2 before you can access PHPMyAdmin. Otherwise, it throws an internal 404. We’re not sure why. To fix the problem, run sudo a2dismod security2 and restart the Apache2 service.

By default, you can’t do much of anything from this account. To enable access to all databases, run the following:

sudo mysql -u root

Run the following commands in the MySQL shell:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'phpmyadmin'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;

Then refresh PHPMyAdmin in your browser. You should be able to edit all databases now.

Control Access Switch

For security reasons, we want to be able to turn on and off controls like PHPMyAdmin using a script.

sudo vim /opt/scripts/sys/controls

The contents of that file are as follows.


set -e

case $1 in
    sudo a2enconf phpmyadmin
    sudo systemctl restart apache2
    echo "Admin control panels are turned ON."
    sudo a2disconf phpmyadmin
    sudo systemctl restart apache2
    echo "Admin control panels are turned OFF."
    echo "You must specify 'on' or 'off'."
    exit 1

Save and close, and then make executable.

sudo chmod +x /opt/scripts/sys/controls

Now you can run controls on or controls off to toggle access to PHPMyAdmin.



We need a few packages for Phabricator to work well:

sudo apt install php7.4-ldap php-apcu imagemagick subversion python3-pygments python-pygments
sudo systemctl restart apache2

This will also assume you’ve set up the two domains for Phabricator with Apache2 and Let’s Encrypt, following the earlier instructions. For this example, I’m using and

Setting Up System Group and Users

We’ll add a group to control who can access Phabricator’s stuff. For ease of use, we’ll add our login user to this group. We will also create a new user called phabdaemon for Phabricator-based daemons.

sudo groupadd phab
sudo useradd -G phab phabdaemon
sudo usermod -a -G phab mpm
sudo usermod -a -G phab www-data

Now we need to modify the phabdaemon user.

sudo vim /etc/passwd

Look for the phabdaemon entry and set the last field to /usr/sbin/nologin. Save and close. Then…

sudo vim /etc/shadow

Look for the phabdaemon entry again, and set the second field to *. Save and close.


We already had the phab, phabfiles and phabrepo folders on the old installation, so we can move those over to /opt. (See Phabricator’s official installation instructions if you’re doing a fresh install.)

Once you’ve moved the folders over, change their permissions as follows…

cd /opt
sudo chown -R mpm phab
sudo chown -R phabdaemon phabfiles
sudo chown -R phabdaemon phabrepo
sudo chgrp -R phab phab
sudo chgrp -R phab phabfiles
sudo chgrp -R phab phabrepo
sudo chmod u=rwx,g=rwx,o=rx -R phab
sudo chmod u=rwx,g=rwx,o=rx -R phabfiles
sudo chmod u=rwx,g=rwx,o=rx -R phabrepo


That last command migrates where repositories look for files.

We also exported the Phabricator database on the old server using…

cd /home/mpm/phab/phabricator
./bin/storage dump | gzip > /home/mpm/backup.sql.gz

On the new server, we copy that backup to our IMPORTED directory, and then run the following to move it into the new copy of MySQL.

gunzip -c /home/mpm/IMPORTED/backup.sql.gz | sudo mysql -u root

Now wait. You might take this opportunity to set up a chess board and talk about playing badly. Don’t count on actually starting a game.

You will also need to update the URLs for Phabricator if you’re changing domain names:

cd /opt/phab/phabricator
./bin/config set phabricator.base-uri
./bin/config set phabricator.allowed-uris '[""]'

Configuring Apache

We need to modify a few files to get this working. First, modify apache2.conf.

sudo vim /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

Near the other Directory sections, modify the /opt/phab Directory entry to the following…

<Directory /opt/phab/phabricator/webroot>
        Options FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride all
        Require all granted

Finally, add or update the following site:

sudo vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/phab.conf

Copy and paste the following into that file.

<IfModule mod_ssl.c>
    <VirtualHost *:443>

            DocumentRoot /opt/phab/phabricator/webroot

            RewriteEngine on
            RewriteRule ^/rsrc/(.*)     -                       [L,QSA]
            RewriteRule ^/favicon.ico   -                       [L,QSA]
            RewriteRule ^(.*)$          /index.php?__path__=$1  [B,L,QSA]

            ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
            CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

            SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
            SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
            Include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-apache.conf
            Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000"
            Header always set Content-Security-Policy upgrade-insecure-requests

            <FilesMatch "\.(cgi|shtml|phtml|php)$">
                            SSLOptions +StdEnvVars
            <Directory /usr/lib/cgi-bin>
                            SSLOptions +StdEnvVars

            BrowserMatch "MSIE [2-6]" \
                            nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown \
                            downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0
            # MSIE 7 and newer should be able to use keepalive
            BrowserMatch "MSIE [17-9]" ssl-unclean-shutdown

Save and close the file. Finally, load them up.

sudo a2ensite phab
sudo a2enmod ssl php7.4 rewrite
sudo systemctl restart apache2

Now see if https://<phabricatoraddress>/ works.

Getting Phabricator Running

Next, we need to make some modifications to php.ini for Phabricator to work.

sudo vim /etc/php/7.4/apache2/php.ini

Make these changes…

  • Comment out disable_functions.

  • Change post_max_size to 32M.

  • Change date.timezone = `` to ``America/Chicago.

  • Set opcache.validate_timestamps to 0.

Save and close, and then restart Apache:

sudo systemctl restart apache2

Next, we’ll add a new user to MySQL and give it all privileges for the Phabricator databases.

sudo mysql -u root

Run the following:

CREATE USER 'phab'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'some_password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `phabricator\_%`.* TO 'phab'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;

Once we have these changes made, we need to adjust Phabricator’s configuration to access the database.

/opt/phab/phabricator/bin/config set localhost
/opt/phab/phabricator/bin/config set mysql.user phab
/opt/phab/phabricator/bin/config set mysql.pass some_password

We also need to change some settings for MySQL:

sudo vim /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf

Add or change the following lines in the [mysqld] section:


Save and close, and then restart MySQL:

sudo systemctl restart mysql

Set Log Locations

We need to set up the location for logging. We’ll create a special folder in /var for this purpose, set its permissions, and tell Phabricator where to find it.


This is critical! If you forget this, you’ll have a plethora of 500 Internal Server Error messages, an unhandled exception at the bottom of all pages, and some missing stuff.

sudo mkdir /var/log/phab
sudo chown -R mpm /var/log/phab
sudo chgrp -R phab /var/log/phab
sudo chmod -R 775 /var/log/phab
cd /opt/phab/phabricator
./bin/config set log.access.path /var/log/phab/access.log
./bin/config set log.ssh.path /var/log/phab/ssh.log
./bin/config set phd.log-directory /var/log/phab/phd.log

Setting Up Alternative File Domain

We also need to set up Phabricator’s Alternative File Domain for improved security. We’ll configure Apache2 to serve files as expected.

We can copy and tweak the configuration file we used for Phabricator in Apache2.

cd /etc/apache2/sites-available
sudo cp phab.conf phabfiles.conf
sudo vim phabfiles.conf

Set the contents to the following…

<IfModule mod_ssl.c>

        DocumentRoot /opt/phab/phabricator/webroot

        RewriteEngine on
        RewriteRule ^/rsrc/(.*)     -                       [L,QSA]
        RewriteRule ^/favicon.ico   -                       [L,QSA]
        RewriteRule ^(.*)$          /index.php?__path__=$1  [B,L,QSA]

        ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
        CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

        SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
        SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
        Include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-apache.conf
        Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000"
        Header always set Content-Security-Policy upgrade-insecure-requests

        <FilesMatch "\.(cgi|shtml|phtml|php)$">
                        SSLOptions +StdEnvVars
        <Directory /usr/lib/cgi-bin>
                        SSLOptions +StdEnvVars

        BrowserMatch "MSIE [2-6]" \
                        nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown \
                        downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0
        # MSIE 7 and newer should be able to use keepalive
        BrowserMatch "MSIE [17-9]" ssl-unclean-shutdown

Save and close. Then, run…

sudo a2ensite phabfiles
sudo systemctl restart apache2

Go to https://<filedomainname>. You should see an error on the page saying “Unhandled Exception (“AphrontMalformedRequestException”)” This means you’re on the right track!

Next, we’ll configure Phabricator to use this domain name for file serving.

cd /opt/phab/phabricator
./bin/config set security.alternate-file-domain https://phabfiles.<serveraddress>/


Sign up for Recaptcha on their website (I’m using to admin that). Then, substitute PRIVATEKEY and PUBLICKEY in the following commands for the keys you get from that website.

./bin/config set recaptcha.enabled true
./bin/config set recaptcha.public-key PUBLICKEY
./bin/config set recaptcha.private-key PRIVATEKEY


I want to allow logging in with LDAP. In the terminal, run the following:

sudo apt install php7.4-ldap
cd /opt/phab/phabricator
bin/auth unlock

Then, in Phabricator itself, go to the Auth app (/auth).

Add the LDAP provider. Use the following settings:

  • LDAP Hostname:

  • LDAP Port: 389

  • Base Distinguished Name: ou=Users, dc=id, dc=mousepawmedia, dc=com

  • Search Attributes: uid cn mail (note: put each of those on a separate line)

  • Always Search: Yes

  • Username Attribute: uid

  • Realname Attributes: cn

  • Use TLS: true

  • LDAP Version: 3


If you cannot access the UI due to the LDAP server moving, you can edit directly from the phabricator_audit database and the auth_providerconfig table.

Addressing Setup Issues

Various issues may crop up on the install. Once you can access Phabricator, you can see these at https://<serveraddress>/config/issues. All of these should be mitigated by the changes described above, but others may exist. Follow the instructions on each issue to resolve.

Set Up Phabricator Daemons

We need to autostart the Phabricator daemons. I wrote a special script that handles that.

sudo mkdir /opt/scripts/phab
sudo chown mpm /opt/scripts/phab
sudo chgrp phab /opt/scripts/phab
sudo chmod 775 /opt/scripts/phab
sudo vim /opt/scripts/phab/phd_start

Put the following in that file.

# Start Phabricator daemons
echo "STARTING PHD" > /var/log/phab/phd_start.log
sudo -u phabdaemon /opt/phab/phabricator/bin/phd start > /var/log/phab/phd_start.log

Save and close. Then, change its permissions.

sudo chmod 775 /opt/scripts/phab/phd_start

Now, add this script to the crontab.

sudo crontab -e

At the bottom, add the line:

@reboot sleep 60; /opt/scripts/phab/phd_start

Save and close.


It is vital that we sleep for 60 seconds before running, as the script fails out of the gate otherwise. (Not sure why.)

Finally, update Phabricator’s configuration to expect this user to run the daemons.

/opt/phab/phabricator/bin/config set phd.user phabdaemon

Of course, we can run this to start the Phabricator daemons right now…

sudo /opt/scripts/phab/phd_start


If it complains about not being able to modify a path starting with /var/tmp/phd, just CAREFULLY run sudo rm -r /var/tmp/phd.

Phabricator Aphlict Notification Server

Let’s get the notification server for Phabricator running.

We need Node.JS for Aphlict to work. We can install it from the main package repositories.

sudo apt install nodejs npm
cd /opt/phab/phabricator/support/aphlict/server/
npm install ws

You can safely ignore the warning messages from npm.

Next, we’ll set things up so phabdaemon can read the SSL certificates.

sudo mkdir /etc/phab/ssl
sudo chown -R phabdaemon:phab /etc/phab
sudo chmod 700 /etc/phab/ssl
sudo vim /opt/scripts/root/postrenew

Set the contents of that file to:

cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/* /etc/phab/ssl
chown -R phabdaemon /etc/phab/ssl
chmod 700 /etc/phab/ssl

Save and close. Then, make executable and run.

sudo chmod +x /opt/scripts/root/postrenew
sudo /opt/scripts/root/postrenew

That script will need to be run every time certificates are renewed, so let’s update our cron job.

sudo crontab -e

Modify the crontab for certbot to the following (without changing the time you have already specified, of course):

17 3 * * * /usr/bin/certbot renew --post-hook /opt/scripts/root/postrenew

Save and close.

Now we need to adjust the Aphlict configuration, or it won’t start.

cd /opt/phab/phabricator/conf/aphlict
cp aphlict.default.json aphlict.custom.json
vim aphlict.custom.json

The file should look like this:

  "servers": [
      "type": "client",
      "port": 22280,
      "listen": "",
      "ssl.key": "/etc/phab/ssl/privkey.pem",
      "ssl.cert": "/etc/phab/ssl/fullchain.pem",
      "ssl.chain": null
      "type": "admin",
      "port": 22281,
      "listen": "",
      "ssl.key": null,
      "ssl.cert": null,
      "ssl.chain": null
  "logs": [
      "path": "/var/log/phab/aphlict.log"
  "pidfile": "/var/tmp/aphlict/pid/"

Finally, open the necessary port and start Aphlict via…

sudo ufw allow 22280
cd /opt/phab/phabricator
sudo -u phabdaemon ./bin/aphlict start

It should start up without any issues. If there are some, check the previous steps.

Finally, we need to tell Phabricator to use Aphlict. In Phabricator, go to Config→All Settings (https://<serveraddress>/config/all). Look for notification.servers. Enter the following in the field:

    "type": "client",
    "host": "",
    "port": 22280,
    "protocol": "https"
    "type": "admin",
    "host": "",
    "port": 22281,
    "protocol": "http"

Navigate to the Notification Servers section of Config (https://<serveraddress>/config/cluster/notifications/) to ensure the system is running correctly.

If all’s well, let’s add the Aphlict startup to our PHD start script.

sudo vim /opt/scripts/phab/phd_start

Add the line…

sudo -u phabdaemon /opt/phab/phabricator/bin/aphlict start > /var/log/phab/phd_start.log

Save and close.

SOURCE: Notifications Setup and Configuration (Phabricator)

Phabricator Git SSH

The system already has a www-data user, and we set up a phabdaemon user earlier. We’ll use both of those for use for this. We also need to add a git user, and then give these users appropriate sudo permissions.

sudo useradd -m git
/opt/phab/phabricator/bin/config set diffusion.ssh-user git
sudo visudo

Add these lines to that file:

# Configuration for Phabricator VCS
www-data ALL=(phabdaemon) SETENV: NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/git, /usr/lib/git-core/git-http-backend
git ALL=(phabdaemon) SETENV: NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/git, /usr/bin/git-upload-pack, /usr/bin/git-receive-pack


We had to comment out the recommended version for git and put in the second version, in order for SSH to work with our repositories. We need to find out what all binaries git is needing to use, and add them to the first path. When this is acheved, be sure to swap the comments…do NOT leave them both uncommented!

Also ensure that if there is the line Defaults    requiretty, it is commented out. If it’s not there, we’re good.

Save and close.

Now, we need to edit a couple other files.

sudo vim /etc/shadow

Find the line for git and change the ! in the second field to NP. Save and close.

Next, run…

sudo vim /etc/passwd

Find the line for git and set (or change) the last field to /bin/sh. Save and close.

Let’s also add the git user to our phab group, so it can write to logfile locations.

sudo usermod -a -G phab git

Now let’s configure the ports and SSH settings.

/opt/phab/phabricator/bin/config set diffusion.ssh-port 2222
sudo ufw allow 2222

Now we need to copy the SSH hook script to our scripts directory. We will need to create a special subdirectory that is owned by root and has permissions 755, otherwise it won’t start.

sudo cp /opt/phab/phabricator/resources/sshd/ /opt/scripts/sys/phabricator-ssh-hook
sudo chmod 755 /opt/scripts/sys/phabricator-ssh-hook
sudo vim /opt/scripts/sys/phabricator-ssh-hook

Edit that file so it matches the following…


# NOTE: Replace this with the username that you expect users to connect with.

# NOTE: Replace this with the path to your Phabricator directory.

if [ "$1" != "$VCSUSER" ];
exit 1

exec "$ROOT/bin/ssh-auth" $@

Save and close. Now we need to set up SSHD’s configuration.

sudo cp /opt/phab/phabricator/resources/sshd/sshd_config.phabricator.example /etc/ssh/sshd_config.phabricator
sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config.phabricator

In that file, set the following lines:

AuthorizedKeysCommand /opt/scripts/sys/phabricator-ssh-hook
AuthorizedKeysCommandUser git
AllowUsers git

# You may need to tweak these options, but mostly they just turn off everything
# dangerous.

Port 2222

Save and close.

Now we try running SSHD in debug mode first.

sudo /usr/sbin/sshd -d -d -d -f /etc/ssh/sshd_config.phabricator

Make sure you’ve added your SSH public key to your Phabricator profile. Then, on the guest computer you use for SSH, run…

echo {} | ssh -p 2222 conduit

After all is said and done, it should print out something like {"result":"mpmdev","error_code":null,"error_info":null}.


If it gives the message “Could not chdir to home directory /home/git: No such file or directory”, that means you didn’t create the git user with a home directory. If that’s the case, you can add one by running $ sudo mkhomedir_helper git (on the server).

Once you’re assured of this working, run…

sudo /usr/sbin/sshd -f /etc/ssh/sshd_config.phabricator

Double-check functionality by re-running the earlier command on the computer you SSH from. Run this two or three times to be certain.

echo {} | ssh -p 2222 conduit

If it works, then all’s well! Add the sshd start command to the system cron.

sudo crontab -e

On that file, add the line:

@reboot /usr/sbin/sshd -f /etc/ssh/sshd_config.phabricator

Save and close.



We first need to install Jenkins.

wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo sh -c 'echo deb binary/ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list'
sudo apt update
sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk
sudo apt install jenkins

SOURCE: Linux (Jenkins)

Apache Configuration

Jenkins needs to be put behind a reverse proxy to run it effectively through HTTPS.

sudo vim /etc/default/jenkins

Add or edit the following lines. They will not necessarily be next to each other.


JENKINS_ARGS="--webroot=/var/cache/$NAME/war --httpPort=$HTTP_PORT --httpListenAddress=$HTTP_HOST"

Save and close. Now we set up Apache2.

sudo a2enmod proxy proxy_http headers
sudo vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/ci.conf

Set the contents of that file to:

<IfModule mod_ssl.c>

        ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
        CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

        SSLProxyEngine On
        ProxyRequests Off
        AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode

        <Proxy http://localhost:8080/*>
            Order deny,allow
            Allow from all

        ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/ nocanon
        ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8080/
        ProxyPassReverse /
        RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto "https"
        RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Port "443"

        SSLEngine on
        SSLCertificateFile  /etc/letsencrypt/live/
        SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
        Include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-apache.conf

Save and close, and then run:

sudo a2ensite ci
sudo systemctl restart apache2

SOURCE: Reverse proxy - Apache (Jenkins)

Initial Jenkins Setup

Navigate to https://ci.<serveraddress>. You will be prompted for an administrator password. You can get this with the following terminal command:

sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword

Be sure not to share this password!

On the next screen, select the plugins to install. We selected only the following on this step:

  • Dashboard View

  • Folders

  • OWASP Markup Formatter

  • Build Name and Description Setter

  • Embeddable Build Status

  • Rebuilder

  • Warnings Next Generation

  • Pipeline

  • Pipeline: GitHub Groovy Libraries

  • Pipeline: Stage View

  • Conditional BuildStep

  • Parameterized Trigger

  • Copy Artifact

  • Git

  • Git Parameter

  • Matrix Project

  • SSH Build Agents

  • Role-based Authorization Strategy

  • Email Extension

  • Mailer

  • Publish Over SSH

  • SSH

We will install a few more plguins later.

We’ll be setting up an admin account via LDAP, so when prompted to create an admin user, select Skip and continue as admin.

Ensure the Jenkins URL is the correct public-facing https address, and then select Save and Finish.

LDAP Integration

All logins and permissions will be handled by LDAP. This is made possible by the “LDAP Plugin” and “Role-based Authorization Stragegy” plugins that were installed.

Go to Manage Jenkins and Configure Global Security. Under Security Realm, select LDAP and fill in the following details. (You may need to click Advanced Server Configuration...

  • Server:

  • root DN: dc=id,dc=mousepawmedia,dc=com

  • User search base: ou=Users

  • User search filter: uid={0}

  • Group search base: ou=Groups

  • Group search filter: (& (cn={0}) (objectclass=posixGroup))

  • Group membership: Search for LDAP groups containing user

  • Group membership filter: (memberUid={1})

  • Display Name LDAP attribute: cn

  • Email Address LDAP attribute: mail

Click Test LDAP settings to make sure it works correctly. Login with an LDAP account when prompted, and you should see the groups that user is a member of in LDAP.

Also scroll down to Authroization and select Role-Based Strategy.

Press Save.

Now go to Manage and Assign Roles. In Manage Roles, create or modify the roles “admin”, “anonymous”, “repomaster”, and “staff”, setting permissions as appropriate.

Now to go Manage Jenkins, Manage and Assign Roles, and Assign Roles.

Add the groups admin, community, repomaster, and staff. Grant them roles as appropriate. (For us, both staff and community are granted the staff role.)

Scroll down and click Save.

Object Storage (S3 Bucket) Integration

Go to Manage Jenkins and Plugins. Install the following plugin:

  • Artifact Manager on S3 plugin

This will install a few other plugins as well. Although this seems to be tightly coupled to Amazon, it will work with S3-compatible object storage from other cloud providers, including Linode.

Go to and select Object Storage. Create a Bucket, and an associated Access Key with limited read/write access to the bucket you create. I’ve named the bucket mpm-artifacts, and created it in the us-east-1 zone.

Go to Manage Jenkins and AWS. Set the following settings:

  • S3 Bucket Name: mpm-artifacts

  • Base Prefix: (Empty; set it if you like)

  • Custom Endpoint:

  • Custom Signing Region: us-east-1

  • Use Path Style URL: No

  • Use Insecure HTTP: No

  • Disable Session Token: Yes

Under Amazon Credentials, set Region to Auto and add new Amazon Credentials:

  • Domain: Global credentials (unrestricted)

  • Kind: AWS Credentials

  • Scope: Global

  • ID: (Optional)

  • Description: (Optional)

  • Access Key ID: (the access key ID you created on Linode)

  • Secret Access Key: (the secret access key you created on Linode)

Click Add. Select the newly created Amazon Credentials in the drop-down box. Now select Validate S3 Bucket configuration. If everything is configured correctly, you will see a success message. Press Save.

Now to go to to Manage Jenkins and Configure System. Scroll down to Artifact Management for Builds. Select Add and Cloud Artifact Storage. From the drop-down box under Cloud provider, select Amazon S3. This will use the settings you configured above. Press Save.

In the server terminal, run…

sudo vim /etc/default/jenkins

Modify the following variable to add the two -Dio.jenkins.plugins.artifact_manager arguments shown below:

JAVA_ARGS="-Djava.awt.headless=true -Dio.jenkins.plugins.artifact_manager_jclouds.s3.S3BlobStoreConfig.deleteArtifacts=true -Dio.jenkins.plugins.artifact_manager_jclouds.s3.S3BlobStoreConfig.deleteStashes=true"

Be certain you’re modifying JAVA_ARGS, and not JENKINS_ARGS.

Save and close, and then restart Jenkins from the command line:

sudo systemctl restart jenkins

In the web browser, if you navigate to Manage Jenkins and AWS, you should see the Delete Artifacts and Delete Stashes options are now checked.

Phabricator Integration

Go to Manage Jenkins and Plugins. Install the following plugin:

  • Phabricator Differential

On Phabricator, create a new bot account (if you don’t already have one) for Jenkins. Go to the settings for the bot and generate a Conduit Token.

Go to Manage Jenkins and Configure System. Look for Phabricator, and under Default Phabricator Credentials, click Add.

Set the following:

  • Domain: Global credentials (unrestricted)

  • Kind: Phabricator Conduit Key

  • Phabricator URL:

  • Conduit Token: (the token from the previous step)

Click Add. Select the credentials you just created under Default Phabricator Credentials.

Also set Location of arcanist to /opt/phab/arcanist/bin/arc, which is where Arcanist is installed on this server (which also runs Phabricator).

Scroll down to Phabricator Notifications and set Default Phabricator Credentials to the credentials you created as well. (Don’t worry about Uberalls)

Docker Integration

Install the following plugins on Jenkins:

  • Docker

  • Docker Pipeline

Docker Over TLS

We’ll run Docker on a separate machine. We’ll need to generate a certificate authority and certificates to control access to this separate build machine. These certificates need to be generated on this server and moved to the other server.

sudo mkdir /opt/certs
cd /opt/certs
sudo su
openssl genrsa -aes256 -out ca-key.pem 4096
openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -key ca-key.pem -sha256 -out ca.pem

Fill out that form. Change the domain name from as appropriate, as well as the IP address

openssl genrsa -out server-key.pem 4096
openssl req -subj "/" -sha256 -new -key server-key.pem -out server.csr
echo subjectAltName =,IP:,IP: >> extfile.cnf
echo extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth >> extfile.cnf
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -sha256 -in server.csr -CA ca.pem -CAkey ca-key.pem -CAcreateserial -out server-cert.pem -extfile extfile.cnf
openssl genrsa -out key.pem 4096
openssl req -subj '/CN=client' -new -key key.pem -out client.csr
echo extendedKeyUsage = clientAuth > extfile-client.cnf
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -sha256 -in client.csr -CA ca.pem -CAkey ca-key.pem -CAcreateserial -out cert.pem -extfile extfile-client.cnf
rm -v client.csr server.csr extfile.cnf extfile-client.cnf
chmod -v 0400 {ca-key,key,server-key}.pem
chmod -v 0444 {ca,server-cert,cert}.pem

Create a Linode with Docker. (You can use the initial setup here as a model.)

I recommend added the build server to /etc/hosts like this:

sudo vim /etc/hosts

Add the following line, changing the IP address to the IP of the Linode build server you created.

Create an SSH key on this machine, and set it up on the other machine. That isn’t covered here, as it’s a standard procedure.

Now add the SSH configuration to your machine:

vim ~/.ssh/config

Add the following block:

Host build
    Port 333
    User mpm
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/build_rsa

Now we transfer the necessary certificates over SSH with Rsync to the build server.

cd /opt/certs
sudo chmod 444 {ca,server-key,server-cert}.pem
rsync -avz --progress {ca,server-key,server-cert}.pem build:/home/mpm/incoming
Install Docker on Remote Build Server

We start by installing Docker:

sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
sudo apt update
sudo apt install docker-ce docker-compose

Next, we set up Docker to be automatically started by systemd.

sudo systemctl edit docker.service

Set the contents of that file to:

ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock

Save and close, and then enable and restart Docker in systemd:

sudo systemctl restart docker
sudo systemctl enable docker

We need to add the user to the docker group. This is reasonably safe here, as this instance is largely sandboxed.

sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
newgrp docker

We also need to adjust the operating system to allow limiting the swap memory of Docker containers:

sudo nano /etc/default/grub

Edit the following line to match the following:

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="cgroup_enable=memory swapaccount=1"

Be absolutely certain you have that line correct!

Save and close, and then run the following:

sudo update-grub

Restart the computer.

SOURCE: Install Docker Engine on Ubuntu

SOURCE: Post-Installation steps for Linux

Remote Build Server Configuation

On the remote build server, run the following.

sudo mkdir /etc/docker/certs
sudo mv /home/mpm/incoming/* /etc/docker/certs
sudo chmod 400 /etc/docker/certs/server-key.pem
sudo systemctl edit docker.service

Set the contents of that file to the following:

ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock -H tcp:// \
        --tlsverify --tlscacert=/etc/docker/certs/ca.pem \
        --tlscert=/etc/docker/certs/server-cert.pem \

Save and close, and then run:

sudo ufw allow 2376
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart docker.service
sudo netstat -lntp | grep dockerd

If everything was done correctly, you should see:

tcp6       0      0 :::2376                 :::*                    LISTEN      19183/dockerd

SOURCE: Post-installation steps for Linux: Configuring Remote Access with systemd (Docker) SOURCE: Enable Remote Access with TLS on Systemd (RIP Tutorial) SOURCE: How to set up Remote Access to Docker Daemon (Linux Handbook)

Configuring Jenkins

In Jenkins, go to Manage Jenkins -> Configure Clouds and add a new Docker cloud. Set the following settings:

  • Docker Host URI: tcp://

  • Server credentials: Configure with the ca, certificate, and key that you set up on the client in the previous step.

Click Test Connection. It should connect!

Creating the Docker Registry

The Docker Registry hosts images for creating Docker containers. This speeds up build times significantly.

Unlike other Docker instances, this will live in the Docker instance running directly on the build server.

I start by created a directory for the registry to live in, and then pointing Docker to it.

sudo mkdir /opt/registry
sudo docker run -d -p 5000:5000 \
--restart=always \
--name registry \
-v /opt/registry:/var/lib/registry \


Do not run Docker containers as --privileged. Ever.

I can now set up Apache2 to host the registry.

sudo vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/registry.conf

Set the contents of that file to:

<IfModule mod_ssl.c>

        Header add X-Forwarded-Proto "https"
        RequestHeader add X-Forwarded-Proto "https"

        ProxyPreserveHost On
        ProxyPass         /
        ProxyPassReverse  /

        <Location />
            Order deny,allow
            Allow from all

            #AllowOverride AuthConfig
            AuthName "Registry Authentication"
            AuthType basic
            AuthBasicProvider ldap
            AuthLDAPURL "ldap://, dc=id, dc=mousepawmedia, dc=com"
            Require valid-user

        # Allow ping and users to run unauthenticated
        <Location /v1/_ping>
            Satisfy any
            Allow from all

        # Allow ping and users to run authenticated
        <Location /_ping>
            Satisfy any
            Allow from all

        SSLEngine on
        SSLCertificateFile  /etc/letsencrypt/live/
        SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
        Include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-apache.conf

Save and close. Now we enable the site:

sudo a2ensite registry
sudo a2enmod headers proxy authnz_ldap ldap
sudo systemctl restart apache2

We can test it out with the following command:

sudo docker login
sudo docker pull hello-world:latest
sudo docker tag hello-world:latest
sudo docker push
sudo docker image remove hello-world:latest
sudo docker image remove
sudo docker pull


The above is a great way to test the registry from a remote machine.

Login with valid LDAP credentials. If it succeeds, everything is correctly configured.

We now tear down our initial test container, and switch to docker-compose for running our registry long-term instead:

sudo docker container stop registry
sudo docker container rm -v registry
sudo mkdir -p /opt/docker/registry
sudo vim /opt/docker/registry/docker-compose.yml

Set the contents of that file to…

version: '2'
        container_name: registry
        restart: always
        image: registry:2
        - "5000:5000"
        - /opt/registry:/var/lib/registry
            - REGISTRY_STORAGE=s3
            - REGISTRY_STORAGE_S3_REGION=us-east-1
            - REGISTRY_STORAGE_S3_BUCKET=mpm-registry
            - REGISTRY_STORAGE_S3_ENCRYPT=false
            - REGISTRY_STORAGE_S3_SECURE=true
            - REGISTRY_STORAGE_S3_V4AUTH=true
            - REGISTRY_STORAGE_S3_CHUNKSIZE=5242880


If you don’t use V4AUTH and disable redirect, you’ll get http 307 errors and other problems with push/pull.

Save and close, and then run…

sudo chown root:docker -R /opt/docker cd /opt/docker/registry sudo docker-compose up -d

The registry will now automatically restart with the docker.service managed by systemctl.

SOURCE: Securing a docker registry behind Apache

SOURCE: registry: s3 storage (GitHub)

SOURCE: How to Configure Nextcloud to use Object Storage – Create a New Linode Object Storage External Storage Mount (Linode)

SOURCE: How to set up a Docker Registry with a Swarm S3 storage target (Confluence)

Setting Up Docker Login with Pass

For additional security, we want to use pass to store credentials for Docker registry logins. Run this on each machine that needs to push to the registry.

I’ll start by logging out of the registry, and installing pass:

sudo docker logout
sudo apt install pass

Before I go any further, I need a GPG key for the main user account. I can create a new one with the following commands:

gpg --gen-key

Fill out the form, using defaults for everything except the name and email.

After creating it, or if I already have one I want to use, I can access the key by running gpg --list-keys, and then looking for the name associated with the key for this user account. (We MUST have the associated private key accessible on this machine as well.)

For example, here’s the key I want:

pub   rsa3072 2021-10-10 [SC] [expires: 2023-10-10]
uid           [ultimate] MousePaw Media (Developers) <>
sub   rsa3072 2021-10-10 [E] [expires: 2023-10-10]

I copy the public key, which is the part after the forward-slash (/) on the first line; in this case, that’s B4B6AD7C.

I pass that to the next command, in place of PUBLICKEYTOUSE:

pass git init

Now I can install the docker-credential-helpers package I’ll need. You should get the URL for the latest version from the docker-credential-helpers GitHub Releases page

cd /tmp
tar -xf docker-credential-pass-v0.6.3-amd64.tar.gz
chmod +x docker-credential-pass
sudo mv docker-credential-pass /usr/local/bin/.

Test that installed correctly by running the following:]

sudo docker-credential-pass version

That should print out the version of docker-credential-pass` that is installed. If it works, you should also make sure it is communicating with ``pass via the following command:

sudo docker-credential-pass list

If that returns {} or some other data (instead of an error or warning), everything is correctly installed.

Finally, I’ll tell Docker to use docker-credential-pass:

vim ~/.docker/config.json

Set the contents of that file to the following, or if it already exists, modify the credsStore property as shown:

    "auths": {
        "": {}
    "credsStore": "pass"

Save and close. You should now be able to login with Docker, which you can test via:

docker login

Enter valid LDAP credentials. If it works, you’ll see:

Login Succeeded