MousePaw Media Development Documentation

About the Development Docs

Development at MousePaw Media takes place on a carefully designed technology stack, engineered for efficiency and ease-of-use. To ensure that all developers are familiar with these technologies and methodologies, we maintain this documentation.

Our Development Documentation is not a replacement for any official documentation. Our focus here is to describe our particular instances and usages of our stack’s technologies.


Development Tools

IDEs and Editors

We officially support four major code editors for our projects. Each language setup tutorial will independently discuss these options.

If you can’t decide on one, try Visual Studio Code!

Design Tools

We use a number of additional tools for our graphics design and audio/video work.

Ubuntu Installation


Indices and tables


This documentation is written and maintained by the MousePaw Media Standards Board. Feedback is welcome via email (

You can also find us on on the #mousepawmedia channel on Libera.Chat IRC, which is bridged to our company Mattermost chat via the mousepawmedia bot account. (We’re there, promise!)

Pull requests to this repository are not accepted. If you wish to propose a change, email your patch to us at the address above.

For more information about contributing to MousePaw Media projects, see