Account Management


Section coming soon.

Staff Account Creation

In most places, we use our GitLab instance as our Single-Sign On provider. At present, only the email accounts are managed separately.

Username Conventions and Considerations

Usernames are the given name initial(s) and surname. For example, Nafula A. Jackson would be “najackson”, and Jovil Benoit (no middle name) would be “jbenoit”. If someone has multiple middle initials, use all of them.

Addtionally, in cultures where there are multiple surnames, consult with the individual on which to use, or whether you should use both. This occurs frequently with Latin American names, in which case we use the first surname. Maria Pilar Flores Mendoza likely goes by Maria Flores, according to Latin American tradition (but check with her!), so her username would probably be “mpflores”.

Asian names typically work opposite of how they do in western culture: the surname (family name) comes first, followed by the given name(s). However, many people with Asian names living in western cultures will invert their name to prevent confusion. Check with the individual to understand what is their given name, and what is their surname. For example, Myeong Sun Jung would probably be either “smyeong” or “sjmyeong”, depending on her preference. However, she may originally present her westernized name as Sunjung Meyong, as Sun Jung is her entire “first name”, so she may combine them and put them first to prevent people from calling her “Sun”. or “Myeong”. Always ask instead of assuming!

In addition to getting the username right, be sure you confirm the preferred format for the full name!

Creating Email Account

Go to and log in with an administrator account.

Go to Mailboxes -> Mailboxes, and click Add Mailbox.

  • Username: (the username)

  • Domain:

  • Full name: (the full name)

  • Password: (click Generate to create a temporary password)

  • Force password update at next login: Yes

  • Grant direct login access to SoGo: Yes

Save the temporary password, and click Add at the bottom of the screen to create the account.

Creating Email Account

Once you’ve created the account, send an email from to the personal email address of the account holder. Use the following template, substituting all values in <corner brackets> below.

Dear <NAME>,

Welcome to MousePaw Media!

Below are your login details for your MousePaw Media account.


Username: <USERNAME>


1. Log in at and change your password.

2. Use the email sent to that address to log in at

3. Go to to change your password and add Two-Factor Authentication.

4. Log in to and log in with your GitLab account.


1. Do not give out your login details under any circumstances. MousePaw Media IT staff can manage all company accounts and reset passwords, so we will never ask you for your login information.

2. Use strong passwords which are at least 16 characters in length, have a mix of lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

3. Use Two-Factor Authentication whenever available.

4. We strongly recommend using an encrypted password manager, such as BitWarden, for storing your credentials. Do NOT use your browser's built-in password manager!

If you have trouble logging in, please don't hesitate to contact us here at

After sending that email, IMMEDIATELY proceed with the next step, so the new user will not be delayed in logging in.

Creating GitLab Account

On GitLab, log in with an admin account. On the left, click Search or go to… and click Admin Area. You may need to reauthenticate for security reasons.

On the left, select Users, and click the blue New User button on the right of that screen.

Enter the following information:

  • Name: (the full name)

  • Username: (the username)

  • Email: (the email created in the previous step)

  • Access Level: Regular

  • External: No

  • Validate user account: Yes

At the bottom, click Create user. An email will be sent to the specified MousePaw Media email address with a link to reset the GitLab password and log in.

You MUST add the user to the Staff group for them to access some other parts of the staff network. To do this, from the main page of GitLab, click Groups on the sidebar, and click Staff on the group list.

On the sidebar for the group, click Manage and Members. Click Invite members in the upper-right corner, and enter the username of the user you want to add. Select the role Developer. (We reserve Owner for admins only.) Then click Invite. The user will be added to the Staff group.

Additionally, add them as Developer to the other groups for which they should have access:

  • Applications: for Applications (Software Engineering) department.

  • Content Development: for Content Development department.

  • Designers: for Design department.

  • DevOps: for DevOps (Software Engineering) department.

  • Platform: for Platform (Software Engineering) department.

Additionally, only for managers, add the following if appropriate:

  • Hiring: grants read access to hiring records.

  • Librarians: grants ability to manage entire eBook collection on Nextcloud.

  • Management: access to all management records, and admin abilities on Nextcloud.

Discourse Account

Our Discourse instance’s account management is delegated entirely to our GitLab instance. Users will need to sign up there with their GitLab account -before* you can grant them permissions.

Once they’ve created their account, go to Admin and Users. Click New to sort by newly created accounts, and find and click on the user’s account.

For staff, scroll down to the Permissions section. Click Grant Moderation. Set Trust Level to 4: leader and click the green check mark.


we grant moderator privileges to all staff members. This makes it easier to maintain our community.

Nextcloud Account

If you added the user’s GitLab account to the Staff group, they will have access to Nextcloud automatically. Their name, profile picture, groups, and (public) email address will be copied from GitLab to Nextcloud every time they log in. Group membership is automatic, and is syncronized to the GitLab groups the user is a member of.

Account Suspension and Control

It is possible to suspend any account, staff or external, temporarily or permanently.

Suspend Email

Go to and log in with an administrator account.

Go to Mailboxes -> Mailboxes, and click Edit next to the email address you wish to suspend.

Towards the bottom, find the drop-down box that says Active, and change it to Inactive. Uncheck the box for Grant direct access to SOGo. Click Save changes.

Block GitLab Account

On GitLab, log in with an admin account. On the left, click Search or go to… and click Admin Area. You may need to reauthenticate for security reasons.

On the left, select Users. On that list, find the user you wish to suspend, and click the three dots to the far right of the username. You have two options:

  • Block: Use this option to suspend an account without hiding contributions. We recommend using this option in most cases.

  • Ban User: Use this option to Block and to hide the user’s contributions from all other users. Only use this option if the user’s content was broadly abusive.


We STRONGLY advise you DO NOT use the Delete User option, except where an account’s content is entirely abusive.

Suspend Discourse Account

If you Block or Ban User on GitLab, that will prevent logging in on Discourse. However, if you want to separately control Discourse access, that is possible as well.

On Discourse, click Admin on the left, and select Users from the top navigation bar.

Click the username of the user you wish to suspend.

Scroll down to Permissions. You have a few options:

  • Trust Level: You can lower trust level to limit permissions, and can Lock Trust Level if necessary to prevent the user from regaining those privileges until unlocked. This is useful if you want to allow a user to continue to access Discourse, but be limited in what actions they can take.

  • Revoke Moderator: Remove access to staff-only categories, but otherwise allow the user to remain active on Discourse. You must also take this action before Suspending (below).

  • Suspended: Prevent access to Discourse directly. Useful if you still want to allow access to GitLab.

  • Silenced: Prevent posting or starting topics. Still has read permissions.